I was quite often asked, if I could describe how to add a certificate into Cloud Director so that can be used as described in my blog post on How to use custom SSL certificates.
Here we go:
First of all, you have give you tenant the permission to manage their own certificates:
Edit the GlobalRole OrgAdmin or any other rule you want to grant CertificateLibrary permissions under “Administration->TenantAccesControl->GlobalRoles->OrganisationAdministrator->Edit”
Afterwards you can log in as Org user that has the rights assigned accordingly and add the certificate to your CertLibrary:
Go to Administration->CertificateManagement->Certificates Library->Import.
Afterwards give a name for the cert:
Import the full-chain of the certificate:
and the private key:
Now the certificate is ready to use! You can refer to the cert using the name you have given.